Moderation techniques for team leaders- S&P Seminars
Moderation techniques for team leaders- S+P Seminars – Product No. K03
Communication Processes – Moderation techniques – conflict resolution
- Confident and assertive in the meeting
- Sharpen, provoke, polarise – how to stimulate discussion and make decisions
- Techniques for a successful meeting
- With a lot of speakers, moaners and know-alls skillfully handle – confidently and confidently responding in conflict situations

Your benefits – Communication and conversation techniques –Moderation techniques for team leaders- S+P Seminars
> Practice-oriented communication and conversation techniques
> Meetings Guide: Best Practices in practice
> Resists and conflicts sovereign master
Practice-oriented communication and conversation techniques –Moderation techniques for team leaders- S+P Seminars
> Self-confident appearance – The A and O strong communication
> Actively listening: making conversations successful
> Use question techniques and make decisions
> In critical situations, take the helm – effective call steering
> Overcome the 6 most common communication hurdles in the meeting
The following case studies are being trained with the participants:
Case Study 1: The Art of asking the right questions
Case Study 2: Steer discussions and make decisions
Conducting meetings: Best practices in practice -Moderation techniques for team leaders- S+P Seminars
> Make the goal clear! Set order and expectations at the beginning
> Group dynamic processes sovereign control and effective use
> Don’t lose the „Red Thread“ – the process plan as a tool
> Visualization methods: collecting and structuring ideas
> Time in the eye – techniques for effective time management in the meeting
> Prevent information loss: Log results and create action plan
The following case studies are being trained with the participants:
Case Study 3: Securing success, learning from mistakes
Case Study 4: „Rules of the game“ agree on the project team
Case Study 5: Skillfully visualizing
Master Resistance and conflict – Moderation techniques for team leaders- S+P Seminars
> The inner conflict: dual role as Moderator and executive
> Alls, quarrelsome and shy: techniques for dealing with different personality types
> Change of perspective – taking into account different perspectives and creating misunderstanding from the world
> If the group does not want to: resolve hard-hit situations
> Defuse and deescalate: 5 Strategies for successful conflict resolution
The following case studies are being trained with the participants:
Case Study 6: Double role as Moderator and executive
Case Study 7: You don’t know what to do next-what now?
Case Study 8: conflict resolution in meetings
Moderation techniques for Team Leaders – S+P seminars
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